Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Travel Share India

Travel Share India (TSI) is created to make people get in touch with each other who would like to share their journey with others. This is similar concept like carpooling, liftshare, carsharing and other journey sharing schemes in other countries, but here instead of just focusing on cars we also like to include other medium of transports as well. In TSI you can offer a journey for sharing or you can look for someone who would like to share their journey. The main focus of creating TSI is to reduce the amount of CO2 emitted into our environment, and also to reduce the number of vehicles in our roads which reduces traffic.
There are many straight benefits and many hidden benefits by sharing your journey. Some of these benefits are listed below.

· Reduces the amount of CO2 emitted by us into our environment which makes the process of Global Warming slow.
· Reduces the number of vehicles in our roads.
· Reduces the amount of money spent for your fuel every month.
· Reduces the amount of money spent for your vehicle maintenance.
· Reduces the time spent waiting in traffic.
· Undercuts the cost of nearly all other forms of transport.
· Reduces parking problems
· Reduces the need for a private car
· Widens the recruitment catchment areas for businesses
· Provides a real solution to the lack of public transport in rural areas
· Facilitates the integration of public and private transport
· Is a way of meeting new, like-minded people.

If half of Indian motorists received a lift one day a week, congestion and pollution would be reduced by 10% and traffic jams by 20%.
Instead of waiting for things like global warming to happen and the traffic which is already pounding up on us we can take some initiatives which will benefit us and our environment in a manner that our next generations are going to live a healthy and more comfortable life.TSI is being run in a non-profit attitude, so that everybody who uses this website has to register which is free and start using the service.
Please do communicate to us from TSI “ContactUs” page if you would like to give us any suggestions on improving our service or anything which would help in improving the journey sharing program.

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